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Setting Up the Output

File by OCR will automatically build a logical file folder hierarchy for the files based upon captured data. A root folder is specified and the sub folders and file names will be created automatically. There can be up to three sub folders and the file name can remain the same or be created by a fixed prefix (optional) and three fields of captured data. The file name will be separated by a specified character. Please note that if the retrieval supplied with File by OCR is used there are only two supported outputs. One is to have all files in one folder and the user searches for a value or a range if numbers. This is ideal for when there are sequential numbered documents as the user can retrieve one file or a series of files as a bookmarked PDF. The other option for retrieval is to have one folder that is created by a value and the files are created by the same value as the folder with an additional field supplied. For instance a Customer Number can be used for the folder and all files in the customer's folder will be named their customer number followed by an additional field such as work order number. 

To begin click on "Output Profile Manager".

The Output Profile Manager window will appear

Click on New to create a new Job.

1. Enter a name for this Job.

2. Select the profile using the Browse to Profile button. This will select the parsing job that was completed in Step Two.

3. Create a root directory for the output, either type in the path or if it already exists select it with the Browse to Output button. All processed files will be stored in this folder or a sub folder of it.

4. Enter the UNC Path to the output files. This is used in the CSV file only. 

5.   Select a Date Sub Folder - this will create the folder based upon the time the file was processed 

6. Select Sub Directories to be created from the parsed data. Up to three sub folders can be created. 

7. In the Output File Options check Create from Parsed Data, if the file name will be created, if keep original Name is selected the file name will remain the same. This is useful for when the user just wants to extract data from existing files and import it into a database. For instance, surveys that contain a plot number and location. The plot number and location can be extracted and imported into a database for searching.

8. Select the Output Type (If processing text searchable PDF's the option to save as Tiff Images does not apply)

9. Optionally a prefix for the file name can be entered, such as Invoice. So the user can have the files named invoice-and then the invoice number if the invoice number was one of the captured fields

10. From the drop down list up to three fields of data can be used to create the file name.

11. Select a character to be used to separate the sections of the file name.

12. If a copy of the original file is to be saved in an archive folder enter the path to it here. If the path is left blank no files will be saved.

13. Enter a folder for images that failed to process properly. If it is not entered the root folder of the image ouput folder will be used.

14. If an email notice is to be sent when a file fails to process enter the recipient's address here and setup mail in the Global Settings

15. CSV Output Options are "None", "Place in Root Directory" or "Place in the Folder" with the processed file. This option creates a delimited file with all captured data. This data can later be searched (in Excel) or imported into a data base for searching.

16. By default if a csv file is being created it will have a header line displaying the contents, place a check mark in this box to create the file with no header line. 

17. Static output can also be added to the CSV file as well. For instance, an employee's name or a branch number could be entered. Their name would appear in the CSV file, allowing it to be imported into a database. 

18. The CSV option allows for any character to be used as a separator by entering the desired character in the "Field Separator" Box the most common are a comma or a semi colon.

      19. Select an option as to what to do if an output file alreadys exists with the same name.

Once finished click on Continue to Exit the settings will automatically be saved.