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Failed Files

Not all files will be processed correctly as OCR is not 100 percent accurate. If EasyPatterns is setup to validate a filename and it fails the validation process the file will be put in the Failed File folder as either a Tiff or PDF. When first starting to use the program the output should be set as tiff. The reason for this is so that the user can browse to the failed file in the "Job Settings" and check to see why it failed, perhaps fuzzy logic could fix the error or maybe making the zone bigger could correct it.

If EasyPatterns is not setup to validate a file name, all files will be placed in the standard output folder. If the text read contains characters that are not allowed in a filename the file will be renamed "non-valid-filename.(PDF or Tiff)". If the text cannot be read at all the file will be renamed "Failed_to_capture_any_text.(PDF or Tiff)".

If possible use an EasyPattern to validate the output file name.

To check for failed files click on the "Manually File" button

If there are any failed files in the failed file folder they will be opened in a viewer for manual processing. If there are no failed files in the folder the user will be informed and the utility will close. When one is in the folder this is the viewer that it will open in:

The user keys in the correct value and clicks on "Process" the next file will automatically open. The label name displayed is from the "Zone Name" in Job Settings.