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EasyPatterns can assist in determining files that have not been correctly OCR'd.  For those familiar with Regular Expressions they are very similar but much easier to understand.  An EasyPattern looks for the occurrence of a certain pattern.  For instance, the first six digits of a string of numbers, a letter or special character in place of a digit can all be checked for by the use of EasyPatterns 

EasyPattern examples:

[6digits] - This captures exactly 6 digits

[3+digits] - This captures an entire number that has at least 3 digits

35[+4digits] - This Captures a number that begins with 35 and has 4 more digits

[ ( '35' or '36' or '37'), 3digits ] - This captures any number in the range from 35000 to 37999

[4digits]AB[2digits]VIN[2+digits] - This would return a mixture of letters and digits and the letters have to be specific. It would begin with 4 digits, have the letters AB, a two digit number, the letters VIN followed by at least 2 or more digits such as 1234AB12VIN34

[4digits][2+letters][2digits]VIN[2+digits] - This is similar to the expression above only instead of it having the letters "AB" returned it will return at least two or more letters followed by a two digit number, the letters VIN and two or more digits

More on EasyPatterns can be found here.